Study of the Impact of Different Grades of High-speed Rail on Regional Economic Development: An Empirical Analysis of Jiangxi Based on DID Model [in Chinese]

In Journal of Nantong University (Social Sciences Edition)

Abstract: Whether the opening of high-speed rail of the two different grades of the national rail and the local rail will have an impact on the development of the regional economy and what are the impact differences? This is an academic and practical issue worth exploring. By selecting the panel data of 11 prefecture-level cities in Jiangxi from 2005 to 2016 to establish the index system, and using the “Difference in Difference”, “Gray Prediction” and “With and Without Comparison Analysis”, to analyze the impacts and differences of the opening of the Chang-jiu High-speed Rail and Hu-kun High-speed Rail to the regional economic development in Jiangxi. Research findings indicate: 1) The opening of high-speed rail has indeed had an impact on the economic development of Jiangxi. The Chang-jiu high-speed rail has a positive effect on regional economic growth in the short term, while the Hu-kun high-speed rail has 2 negative correlation with the contribution of regional economic growth rate, and both have obviously promoted the upgrade of industrial structure and optimization of employment structure, but there is no significant impact on the level of urbanization. 2) There are significant differences in the opening of two high-speed railways to Jiangxi economic development. The opening of the Chang-jiu High-speed Rail has led to the improvement of regional accessibility, the close economic ties and the cooperation of production factors, it has boosted the growth rate of GDP per capita in Jiangxi, the development of the secondary and tertiary industry and the optimization of the employment structure; but, with the opening of the Hu-kun high-speed rail, the relative location of Jiangxi Province has been weakened, which have negative impacts on economic development, upgrading of industrial structure, and improvement of employment structure.



  以江西省11地级市2005—2016年面板数据为对象,分别运用双重差分模型、灰色预测模型以及 “有无对比法”,着重分析以昌九高铁和沪昆高铁为代表的基于地方与国家不同等级战略规划的高铁开通对江西省区域经济发展带来的影响变化,以及其影响情况是否存在差异性。由此,得出如下结论:


  第二,基于地方和国家不同等级战略规划的高铁路线对区域经济发展的影响存在明显的差异性。 其中,省域战略规划的高铁路线为区域发展提供了良好的交通基础设施,为区域内部带来了长久的 “扩散效应〞“涓滴效应“”等有利于区域内部发展的“高铁效应”,极大地增强了区域内部经济联系, 短期内明显地促进了区域内部经济发展;而国家战咯规划的高铁路线则更多地强调省际闻的外部联系性,发挥跨省际区域间的“溢出效应”和“虹吸效应”等所带来的“高铁红利”,但这并不意味着各区域在实际发展过程中将迎来区域效益均等化的理想效果,反倒成为一场机遇与挑战并存的多方博弈过程。由于各省在全国高速铁路交通运输网中的相对区位不一致的客观性存在,新的国家战略规划高铁路线开通将引起高铁沿线原本区位优势并不明显区域被进一步弱化,进一步加快相对落后省域高素质人才、资本和技术等先进生产要素向沿海发达省市中心城市聚集,致使其无法持久享受“高铁红利〞,并在这种“极化效应”和“虹吸效应”影响下成为“高铁洼地”,其结果就是其相对区位得不到根本性改变。


  • 国家社会科学基金重大项目“新时代绿色发展绩效评估与美丽中国建设道路研究”(18ZDA047)

  • 国家社会科学基金重点项目“中国坚持绿色发展的技术路线、区域实现及政策工具选择”(2015AZD070)

  • 国家级大学生创新科研项目“‘高铁经济’对区域经济的差异影响及时效性分析”(201801049)

  • 全国“四个一批”人才项目(中宣干字〔2016〕49号)


  • 刘耀彬(1970—),男,湖北麻城人,教育部“长江学者”特聘教授,博士生导师,南昌大学副校长,南昌大学中国中部经济社会发展研究中心主任,研究方向:城市经济,生态经济。

  • 郑维伟(1997—),男,重庆人,硕士研究生,研究方向:区域经济,生态经济。

Weiwei Zheng
Weiwei Zheng
Ph.D. Candidate

My research interests include regional economics, industrial economics, and spatial econometrics theory & application.